Looking for the experts you can trust with your underfloor heating installation?

6 reasons Why Savvy Property Developers Choose Underfloor Heating for their Projects

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6 reasons Why Savvy Property Developers Choose Underfloor Heating for their Projects

Previously thought of as a high-end product for exclusive developments, underfloor heating has now  become a cost-effective option that is both easy to install and the preferred choice for property  developers over traditional radiator systems due to its many environmental and commercial  benefits.

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Quick and simple installation at first fix stage

In comparison to traditional radiator systems, the quick and easy installation of UFH helps to speed  up the build process for new build developments. The pipework can be laid quickly and seamlessly at  the first fix stage of the process.

Suitable for all applications

Underfloor heating is easy and cost-effective to install into renovation projects thanks to the  numerous retro-fit systems that have come to market over recent years; underfloor heating is no  longer considered only suitable for new build developments. 

Although underfloor heating systems for new builds are the cheapest and simplest in terms of  installation, no matter what kind of project you are working on, there will be a suitable UFH solution  that is more energy-efficient than traditional radiators. 

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Properties with UFH are more desirable to homeowners

Without a doubt, underfloor heating systems are a desirable addition to any home. Research has  shown that properties with UFH are more saleable, with potential buyers favouring a home with  UFH over one without. 

Underfloor heating provides increased levels of comfort and luxury, and they are up to 25% more  efficient than traditional radiator systems when used with a gas boiler. If paired with a renewable  heat source (air or ground source heat pumps, for example) this can increase to anywhere between  40-50%. 

Heating large, open plan spaces has never been easier

Large, open plan, social spaces are a trend that has grown significantly in recent years and is a  popular design feature in any new home. However, it’s almost impossible to heat them consistently  and efficiently with traditional radiator systems.  

UFH systems are the perfect solution. They will consistently heat spaces of any size whilst  maintaining optimum efficiency and comfort for the homeowner, with the added benefit of taking  full control of the interior design without space-consuming radiators. 

Energy bill savings for homeowners

Heating is the source of almost one third of all household carbon emissions in the UK. Particularly  now, consumers are becoming more aware of the rate at which they consume energy in their  homes, and more conscious about the resulting cost of their energy bills. Replacing traditional  radiators with low carbon heating technologies, such as underfloor heating and heat pumps, will  result in both environmental and financial benefits for the customer.  

A key feature of sustainable homes

As well as their energy spending, consumers are becoming more and more conscious of  sustainability within their homes and lifestyle, putting property developers under increasing  pressure to incorporate more energy-efficient solutions that will be fit for the future. 

Underfloor heating systems combined with air/ground source heat pumps are a great solution for  developers when it comes to taking this huge step towards more sustainable homes and compliance  with the Future Homes Standard.

Written By: Matthew
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